Friday, November 29, 2019
Presentation Evaluation Criteria Research Paper Example
Presentation Evaluation Criteria Paper Ends with an accurate conclusion showing thoughtful, strong evaluation of the evidence presented. Delivered presentation to the instructor 1 week prior to scheduled time. Generally well organized. Introduces the purpose of the presentation clearly. Include transitions to connect key points but better transitions from idea to idea are noted. Most information presented in logical sequence; A few minor points may be confusing Ends with a summary of main points showing some evaluation of the evidence presented. Delivered presentation to the instructor week prior to scheduled time. Somewhat organized. Introduces the purpose of the presentation Includes some transitions to connect key points but there is difficulty in following presentation. Student jumps around topics. Several points are confusing. Ends with a summary or conclusion; little evidence of evaluating content based on Evidence. Did not provide presentation to instructor prior to scheduled time. Poor or non existent organization. Does not clearly introduce the purpose Of the presentation Uses ineffective transitions that rarely connect points; cannot understand reservation because there is no sequence for information. Presentation is choppy and disjointed; no apparent logical order of presentation. Ends without a summary or conclusion. Unacceptable Content: Depth and Accuracy Content Speaker provides an accurate and complete explanation of key concepts and theories, drawing upon relevant literature. Applications of theory are included to illuminate issues. Provides evidence of extensive and valid research with multiple (you provide number) and varied sources. Combines and evaluates existing ideas to form new insights. We will write a custom essay sample on Presentation Evaluation Criteria specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Presentation Evaluation Criteria specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Presentation Evaluation Criteria specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Information completely accurate; all names and facts were precise and explicit Level of presentation is appropriate for the audience. For the most part, explanations of concepts and theories are accurate and complete. Some helpful applications of theory are included. Presents evidence of valid research with multiple sources. Combines existing ideas to form new insights. No significant errors are made; a few inconsistencies or errors in information. Bevel of presentation is generally appropriate. Explanations of concepts and/or theories are inaccurate or incomplete. Little attempt is made to tie in theory. There is a great deal of information that is not connected to the presentation thesis. Presents evidence of research with sources. Combines existing ideas. Enough errors are made to distract a knowledgeable listener, but some information is accurate. Portions of presentation are too elementary or too sophisticated for audience. No reference is made to literature or theory. Thesis not clear; information included that does not support thesis in any way. Presents little or no evidence Of valid research. Shows little evidence of the combination of ideas. Information included is sufficiently inaccurate that the listener cannot depend on the presentation as a source of accurate information. Presentation consistently is too elementary or too sophisticated for the Research Effort Went above and beyond to research information; solicited material in addition to what was provided; brought in personal ideas and information to enhance project; and utilized more than eight types of resources to make project effective. Did a very good job of researching; utilized materials revived to their full potential; solicited more than six types of research to enhance project; at times took the initiative to find information outside Of school. Used the material provided in an acceptable manner, but did not consult any additional resources. Did not utilize resources effectively; did little or no fact gathering on the topic. Creativity Uses the unexpected to full advantage; very original, clever, and creative approach that captures audiences attention. Some originality apparent; clever at times; good variety and blending of materials/media. Little or no aeration; a few original touches but for the most part material presented with little originality or interpretation. Bland, predictable, and lacked zip. Repetitive with little or no variety; little creative energy used. Use of Communication Aids Graphics are designed reinforce presentation thesis and maximize audience understanding; use of media is varied and appropriate with media not being added simply for the sake of use. Visual aids were colorful and large enough to be Seen by all even those in back of the class. Media are prepared in a professional manner. Details are minimized so that main points stand out. While graphics relate and aid presentation thesis, these media are not as varied and not as well connected to presentation thesis. Font size is appropriate for reading. Appropriate information is prepared. Some material is not supported by visual aids, I. E. , too much text. Occasional use of graphics that rarely support presentation thesis; visual aids were not colorful or clear Choppy, time wasting use of multimedia; lacks smooth transition from one medium to another. Font is too small to be easily seen.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Exempel p opposition Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers
Exempel p opposition Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers Exempel p opposition Exempel p opposition Nedanstende text r i redigerad form den opposition som framfrdes d Annelie Johanssons magisteruppsats i Svenska med didaktisk inriktning ventilerades. Den r tnkt att kunna anvndas som ett exempel p hur man kan lgga upp en opposition fr att seminariet ska bli en intressant och lrorik diskussion, ett samtal fr alla deltagare. Mlsttningen med seminariet r som alltid att uppsatsen ska frbttras s lngt det bara gr innan den publiceras i sin slutgiltiga version. Uppsatsens titel: Att producera eller reproducera text? En studie av fem gymnasiepojkars arbete. Frfattare: Annelie Johansson Oppositionens disposition INTRODUKTION -allmnt -specifikt PROCEDUR DISKUSSION -specifikt -allmnt 1 Oppositionens disposition Jag kommer frst att gra ett sammandrag av uppsatsen i sin helhet fr att f svar p om jag uppfattat din uppsats korrekt. Drefter kommer jag att redovisa ett allmnt omdme och lyfta fram styrkor och svagheter. Sedan gr jag in p sjlva oppositionen genom en bakgrundspresentation som gr frn det allmnna till det specifika fr att sedan snva in i en genomgng av uppsatsen med fokus p frgor om titeln -indikation -relevans -konstruktion -relation hur studien passar in i vad man redan vet -forskningsversikt -relevans i litteraturval, ev. andra frfattare -representativitet -tydlighet i kopplingen till det pgende samtalet hur du valt att gra din underskning -metod -material -reliabilitet -validitet -Mter underskningen det som avses? vad du kommit fram till/resultaten -relaterat till syfte och frgestllningar -koppling till teorin -behandling av resultaten -slutsatser r de rimliga? -fokus hur resultaten pverkar skolpraktiken, undervisningen och lrarutbildningen -diskussionen -resultatet i ett vidare perspektiv utomvetenskapligt, metodiskt, teoretiskt, praktiskt Under genomgngen kommer jag att stanna upp vid olika rubriker i din uppsats och ta upp ngra specifika frgor som jag har funderingar om. Det gller framfr allt fljande: -skrivuppgiften -metoden/genomfrandet -resultatet Jag kommer inte att uppehlla mig vid uppsatsens upplggning eftersom den fljer traditionella mnster och det inte finns s mycket att sga om den. Nr det gller sprkbehandling och formalia hnvisar jag till den srskilda sammanstllningen Kommentarer om sprk och formalia . 2 Sammandrag av uppsatsen som helhet Bakgrunden till din uppsats r att du ser en brist i elevernas skrivfrmga nr det gller att producera egna diskursiva texter med utgngspunkt i andras texter. Deras okunskap och ofrmga leder till reproducerande textskapande. Du framhller vikten av att frst hur elever producerar text fr att kunna hjlpa dem vidare i deras skrivande. Kunskap om elevens skrivprocess kan hjlpa lraren att snabbare fnga upp elever med problem och att vgleda dem i producerande av egentexter. Din underskning gr ut p att frst hur fem gymnasiepojkar gr nr de skapar text i en given provsituation dr kravet r att anvnda andras texter fr att producera en egen utredande och argumenterande text, en diskursiv text. Du vill veta hur de tnker om att skriva med egna ord, hur deras skrivprocess ser ut och i vilken grad de reproducerar eller producerar i sina texter. Din underskning utgr frn ett sociokulturellt perspektiv p lrande dr skrivandet utgr en kognitiv process som r socialt och kulturellt situerad. Din problemformulering lyder: Hur gr fem gymnasiepojkar till vga nr de skapar text i en diskursiv provsituation och hur beskriver de sin process? Hur visar sig de fem pojkarnas syn p skrivande, produktion och reproduktion i deras skrivprocess och i deras texter? Ditt material utgrs av elevernas texter utifrn en skrivuppgift med nationella provets A-uppgift som frlaga. Skrivuppgiften r av diskursiv karaktr och eleverna ska anvnda sig av referat eller citat av stimulanstexter fr att styrka sitt resonemang, sina argument och sin diskussion. Texten stller ven krav p mottagaranpassning. Uppgiften r formulerad utifrn en rad frgor med anknytning till stimulanstexterna och till d- och nuperspektiv. Materialet bestr ven av resultatet frn kvalitativa intervjuer och observationer av skrivsituationen. I din analys av texterna anvnder du som teori delar av Nils-Erik Nilssons indelning av texter i producerade och reproducerade texter. Fr att urskilja olika grad av avskrift anvnder du Sofia Asks modell fr olika avskriftsstt kopplat till referenser. Fr att beskriva hur eleverna tnker kring sitt skrivande och planeringen av det anvnder du den klassiska retorikens textbildningsfaser fr att drigenom belysa skrivprocessen. Resultaten av din underskning pekar p en tendens att de som har hgre betyg planerar sitt skrivande och sin text i hgre grad n de med lgre betyg. De med lgre eller medelhga betyg gr sin planering mentalt eller efter hand som de skriver. Eleverna har liten erfarenhet av refererande skrivande och signalerar att uppgiften r svr. Flertalet elever hittar drfr olika strategier fr att undvika uppgiftens krav.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Effects of personality on work performance and organization behaviour Essay
Effects of personality on work performance and organization behaviour - Essay Example Workforce diversity has increasingly become a major issue for an organization in the contemporary work environment. As observed by Mkonji & Sikalieh (2012), organizational performance has been therefore increasingly becoming highly dependent on behavioural patterns and personality of individuals; it is one of the important factors when gauging such dependent factors. Personality refers to the unique pattern of emotions, thoughts and behaviour exhibited by individuals. It is important that organizations understand different personalities and nurture them to perform towards a harmonized organization value or goals (Borman, 2004). The increasingly globalised and technologically enhanced operational environment has meant that todayââ¬â¢s organizations have been pushed towards post-modernism. In effect, management has to be conscious of the different personalities within the organization so that performance is not negatively affected. This paper examines the extent to which personality of workers is likely to affect both performance and behaviour in todayââ¬â¢s organizations. It looks at the negative and positive effects of different personality traits in relation to job performance. Different organizational behavioural theories will be used as the basis of discussions. The five factor model of different individualââ¬â¢s personality that includes extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience will be mainly used in the discussions. This paper will also address the implications of the findings to management in todayââ¬â¢s organizations. ... This approach where an individualââ¬â¢s personality is gauged on the way they react in certain situations is referred to as the interactionist perspective of viewing personalities. A violent worker, for instance, will be likely to react negatively to agitation by other workers or interruptions in the systems. However, this might vary due to the implications of his actions or the consequences. In such cases, the personality of the individual may be restrained to the benefit of the organization even though it may not fully guarantee performance. Consequently, personality may, in turn, be influenced by several factors that may include job demands and social norms (Funharm, 2008). Whereas job demands are those duties or tasks assigned to particular jobs, social norms refer to the pressures that come with an individualââ¬â¢s association or otherwise to certain groups that may include organizational culture. Generally, these factors are classified as either facilitators or constraint s. On one hand, the facilitators are those that encourage an individual to behave in a certain way whereas the constraints discourage individuals from certain behaviours. This is therefore an important aspect of personality influence on organizational behaviour and work performance. An organization with a standard personality that is likely to encourage faster execution of tasks and fewer interruptions is likely to record performance. On the other hand, an organization with conflicting personality types that have no bearing on each other will likely be faced with difficulties in ensuring good performance. This is because it is likely to have both non performers and good performers in the same set up who cannot guide each other to success. While there are factors that influence an
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Russian Avant-garde Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Russian Avant-garde - Term Paper Example Lincoln presents the diversity and immensity of Russian art, where despite its painful past, torn by conflict and war; it was able to produce one of greatest collections and testaments of human creativity. All this achievements in art in a nation located between the East and West, the orthodox and the modern, the religious and the secular. In all the major forms of art, the artists of Russia are put in the limelight, including the context where the artists themselves were born and educated, and where their masterpieces came into being. The book by Lincoln presents the stories of Russiaââ¬â¢s musical composers, dance choreographers, the dancers themselves, writers, poets, the architects of Russiaââ¬â¢s awe-inspiring landmarks, theatre directors, and actors, and in recent history, filmmakers. In the midst of turmoil their nation was constantly facing, their struggles are recounted to create and preserve their nationââ¬â¢s identity, into art. Hence, in perspective, Between Heav en and Hell details the success and challenges of the Russian artists to light. A number of these artists, namely: Pavlova, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Tchaikovsky , Chagall, Solzhenitzyn, Diagilev, Eisenstein, and Brodsky are only among the few of the artists whose struggles in expressing their art in the midst of political and social turmoil are revealed. The book is an illustration of the birth of art and creativity in a land where politics and art are inseparable, where art continually seeks new forms and modes of expression.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Final exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Final exam - Assignment Example Strategic management also assumes the responsibility of determining whether the strategy requires any modification due the change in the external environment of the entity. Thus, it can be inferred strategic management system is highly important for an organizationââ¬â¢s survival in a competitive industry. In order to increase its share in the overall market, an organization needs to increase its customer base. Consumers are highly important for an organization because it is the end consumer that determines the success of an organization. If the organization manages to maintain goodwill among the consumers, it would be successful in acquiring the market share otherwise the organization might not be able to face the threats posed by its competitors. Strategic management system helps an organization conduct periodic evaluation of the external factors that affect the organizationââ¬â¢s strategy and one of those factors is the consumerââ¬â¢s demand. Thus, by using strategic mana gement system, an organization can assess the social trends and the demand for its products among consumers. An organization can also receive feedback from consumers with regard to its products. In this manner, an organization can provide better public services by using strategic management system and designing its strategy in accordance with the consumer demand. Thus, it can be concluded that strategic management system is very important for an organization because it helps the organization formulate strategies after assessing the external environment of the organization. Therefore, the strategy determined by the organization would be in conformity with the consumer trends and the organization would be able to provide better public services. This would in turn help the organization in building its goodwill among the consumers as well. Question 2 Please identify and describe five (5) key environmental changes that can influence strategic management. An organization is always affecte d by the environment it operates in. It can never be isolated from its environment therefore it needs to continuously adapt to its external environment. There are certain external factors that affect the strategic management of an organization. The environmental changes that can influence the strategic management are; Political, Economic, Social, Technological and Legal. Political changes depend upon extent to which the governmental authorities take part in the economy of the country. The political changes that may influence an organizationââ¬â¢s strategic management are changes in tax policy, corporate laws related to social responsibility, changes in environmental laws, restrictions upon trade and tariffs. All these factors can affect the organization in accordance with the business of the organization. If the organization is a trading company and it imports goods in bulk quantities, it can be highly affected by import restrictions and tariffs on imports imposed by the governme nt. Therefore, the organization may have to modify its strategy accordingly. Economic changes may be changes in interest rates, inflation rate and the exchange rates. If the organization conducts business in international market, any change in exchange rates can influence its business transactions. Social changes that may
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Addie Accident An Analysis
Addie Accident An Analysis Abstract Disability, moralization, mental satisfaction and self-assurance are the most important aspects in the novel Addie Accident. The focus of the current study is to understand the link of prejudices and ethics with this novel. The backbone of this study is the secondary data comprised of comprehensive literature review. One hypothesis is developed to check the connection of biases and moral values with Addie Accident. This hypothesis shows that mental disability and self-confidence have significant relationship with Addie Accident. This hypothesis is developed from literature review and we have also proved it with the help of critical study. Results conclude that Addie Accident is based on moralization as its end is justified in the sense that it elevates the social status of mentally sick people. Introduction Our everyday actions and interactions can influence people in many ways especially to those people who need our attention and support to survive in society and to live happily. The position of immobilized people in a society is not as standardized as the status of other people is because they are considered inferior to other folks who are normal and mental sickness is one of the agonizing human states. In this way, there is a desperate need to assemble certainty and quality in these people on every ground. The primary center of my exploration is to give consideration with respect to those rationally debilitated individuals who are overlooked from society. As, these people have their own specific rights and wishes however when they are disposed of from society, they get to be irregular and act in an uncalled for way. Such people cant defy the unforgiving circumstances of life as they are nonappearance of fortitude and quality. While discussing this issue, I have picked up a novel Addie Accident by Shirley Corlett which is by one means or another reveals profound quality in the public eye towards those individuals who by the stroke of fortunes dependably get snared in their own particular activities and exercises and after that are being censured by the others. But we cannot deny this fact that there are always two sides of picture. So here in this novel, there is only one character and that is Hubert who helps Addie. In addition, Addie Accident is an interesting novel flooded with fiascos and enterprises. Notwithstanding how hard Addie tries, mishaps simply appear to appear to her. However, in this novel profound quality offers us in light of the fact that at last, Addie assembles her certainty through one of her companions Hubert-the hapless who is likewise similar to her. He is conceived unfortunate as his name demonstrates this. He helps Addie in recapturing her certainty and quality. We can likewise say that both are conceived unfortunate as Addies dad says Our little Addie was conceived under an evil wind (12). However both Addie and Hubert turn into the cure of each other in the essential circumstance of their lives. In this way Hubert shows the factual side of the novel. So, in this paper I would like to explore how the characters except Hubert show their prejudices towards Addie in the novel? What is the role of ethics in Addie Accident? How Addie becomes an escapist in the novel? How does Hubert help Addie to get rid of her schizophrenia? Therefore, the basic theory which supports my contention is of The role of positive emotions in positive psychology by Barbara L. Fredrickson. The theory and findings acclaim that the ability to experience positive feelings may be a fundamental human quality principle to the study of human prospering. Understanding the psychology behind others exercises is a critical step with the objective that debilitated people can be propelled to encounter their lives as they wish to live. In this way, we ought to help these incapacitated individuals in developing such qualities as self-assurance, force, quality and resolution and so forth in them which may empower them to interface with alternate people and they may work and show their capability openly in the group with no trepidation of feeling of inadequacy. Literature Review The novel Addie Accident is based on ethical values and biases. The main protagonist of the novel Addie is unlucky, who is not crippled in physical sense but mentally. Things always go wrong when she intends to do anything. This leads to a serious gap in her personality and it is the main reason of her schizophrenia while such person cannot face the bitter realities of life and then he becomes unable to cope with society. People do not behave such persons in a way they should be rather they tease them and as a result, handicapped people find some other ways to pacify themselves just as Addies imaginary friends. Then a boy comes whose name is Hubert, helps her to get out of this situation and her misery. She is not physically disabled rather mentally unfit and she is born ill-fated while this is also the main tragic flaw in her personality. In the end of the novel, she builds her confidence through the help of Hubert and as a result, she becomes able to see the world with a new glance and a new perspective. In this way, ethics have been shown in this novel because the ending of Addie Accident is justified as there is an element of moralization and confidence. Behaviors towards incapacity must be known as the consequence of scientists working inside a structure that has officially made true blue the relationship between an analyst on handicap and crippled individuals. Thus, we should help these handicapped people to create such qualities as self-confidence, power, strength and will power etc. in them which may enable them to interact with the other folks and they may work and function freely in the community without any fear of inferiority complex. As, Bentham says, Everybody realizes that joy is a high esteem in present day society. Not just do individuals go for bliss in their own particular life, yet there is additionally bolster for we ought to administer to the joy of other individuals who are candidly and physically feeble in some way or another and that administrations ought to go for making more prominent joy for a more noteworthy number of subjects (Bentham 1789). McDowell and Newell (1987: 204) portray life-fulfillment as a Personal assessment of ones condition compared to an external reference standard or to ones aspirations. Moreover, Shin and Johnson (1978: 478) characterize life-fulfillment as a global assessment of a persons quality of life according to his chosen criteria. Fordyce (227) says Happiness is a particular emotion. It is an overall evaluation made by the individual in accounting all his pleasant and unpleasant experiences in the recent past. Chekolas (202) defines happiness as realization of a life-plan and the absence of seriously felt dissatisfaction and an attitude of being displeased with or disliking ones life. Similarly Sumner (145-146) states being happy as having a certain kind of positive attitude toward your life, which in the fullest form has both a cognitive and an affective component. The cognitive aspect of happiness consists in a positive evaluation of your life, a judgment that at least on balance; it measures up favorably against your standard or expectationsThe affective side of happiness consists in what we commonly call a sense of well-being, finding your life enriching or rewarding or feeling satisfied or fulfilled by it. (67) So Addie wants to live happily but she is disabled mentally and in this way she has no right in a society because crippled people are the lowest folks among any society. Nobody behaves to them in a proper way rather normal ones tease them and realize handicapped people that they are not fit for society. Being a mentally crippled girl, she should have her own rights and values which may help her to cope with society. Similarly, mentally sick people like Addie need special care and attention. Every member of society should pay heed to such abnormal persons. They should not have been victimized of frustration, annoyance, depression and above all inferiority complex. People with scholarly inabilities, then again, are frequently judged to have the sort of mental deformity that alleviates their risk. Shoemaker (2009) recommends, Individuals with mild intellectual disabilities are eligible for accountability primarily just by those with whom they already find themselves emotionally engaged, such as family, friends and caregivers. The reason for this, he argues, is that their developmental capacities have been limited to the stage of concrete operations. (455) In this manner, they cant acknowledge theoretical standards about common acknowledgment and responsibility among kindred individuals from the ethical group. Shoemaker subsequently says: Due to their cognitive capacities, persons with mild intellectual disabilities are able to appreciate only the concrete appeals from those they care about while often being unable to respond emotionally and morally in a proper way to the appeals of strangers. This notion could well be applied to most people because it appears to be a part of human condition that we tend to favor morally beings emotionally close to us (161). A journal Impaired individuals encounters of against social conduct and badgering in social lodging: a basic survey informs: A number of studies have looked at levels of harassment and victimization amongst disabled people. It is not always possible from the studies to be precise about the behavior which is involved as a number of terms are used: harassment, victimization, bullying. Nonetheless a consistent picture emerges from them all of very high rates of susceptibility to behaviour which falls within the definition of antiÃâà social social behaviour, and which is often targeted at people because of their impairment(07). Wood and Edward say Studies found extremely high levels of harassment and victimization for this group ranging between 47% and 60% of respondents having been a victim of some form of harassment.(205). Thurgood and Hames (1999) shown that16% had been hit by neighbours. (23). In the 2004 DRC(Disability Rights Commission) study over the scope of impedances, 73% of respondents reported having been verbally assaulted and 35% physically assaulted. Predominance was most elevated however amongst those with emotional well-being conditions. In the GLA study half had endured mishandle or tormenting. Kelly and Mckenna reveal Given the higher rates of disability amongst tenants of social landlords, and the indications in the research reported here, there is a need for a more comprehensive assessment of how social landlords respond to and encourage confidence in victims of antiÃâà social behaviour who are disabled.(74) Harassment is regularly depicted as a customized type of antiÃâà social conduct, i.e. it is coordinated at the specific casualty. This may happen on account of a particular normal for the casualty, for example, race or sexuality or, handicap. Glason says Disabled people are more likely to become harassed for simply standing out more, with people with the most visible impairments tending to be at even greater risk. Irresponsible media portrayals of disabled people have been roundly condemned in some quarters for exacerbating the problem. (19) As, DRC has presented a report which claims: It would appear that many disabled people have little confidence in the current options available to them for confronting and resolving harassment. Fear often makes them reluctant to report harassment. Disabled people lacked confidence in agencies such as the police or social housing providers to resolve problems relating to harassment or victimization. (DRC/ Capability Scotland, 2004). Finkelstein says it is society which handicaps debilitated individuals by not giving satisfactory offices to their complete coordination (32). He proceeds to propose a reversal of the wording used by Harris I recommend changing the meaning of the words impairment and handicap around. Along these lines a man is debilitated when he is socially kept from full investment by the way society is masterminded (19). Another debilitated essayist has recommended the definition ought not to be based upon insufficiency but rather just on the level of belittling or separation they encounter on the premise of their physical condition (17). While clearly such a contemplated a considerable measure of discourse and common contention, reality remains that any try at course of action must make note of the points of view of the crippled themselves. In actuality the inaugural meeting of the Disabled Peoples International, addressing more than fifty nations, starting late rejected the International Classif ication of Impairment, ineptitudes and Handicap proposed by the World Health Organization (1980). Thats why crippled people have to face many problems because they are considered less than normal human beings. As a result they become the victim of inferiority complex, depression, anger and frustration. But in spite of all this, disabled folks should be given their proper rights and values. They should not be underestimated by teasing about their physical or mental condition or weaknesses rather every person of society ought to encourage and help them. They must be given special attention so that they may not consider themselves low. The distinction is that some individuals with incapacities require this bolster all the more seriously, in more aspects of their life and for more periods. Research methodology The purpose of this study is to find out predispositions and moralization in the novel and their relationship with Addie. To achieve the research purpose, secondary sources have been used to collect the data. Secondly, we have reviewed related theory to explain that the novel Addie Accident has both the elements of prejudices and morality in this sense that Addie, central character of the novel is suffering from schizophrenia. She is a victim of bullies because everything becomes topsy-turvy when she wants to do something. But in the end, in spite of all this, she builds her confidence with the help of her friend Hubert who helps her to get rid of being accident prone. Then she becomes able to see everything according to her own viewpoint. Theory of the role of positive emotions in positive psychology by a psychologist Dr. Barbara L. Fredrickson supports this study. This theory expresses that specific discrete constructive feelings-including bliss, interest, contentment, pride, and l ove-despite the fact that phenomenological particular, all share the capacity to expand individuals flashing thought-activity collections and assemble their persisting individual assets, extending from physical and scholarly assets to social and psychological assets. We have chosen qualitative research method as it is concerned with the explanation of social phenomena, the world in which we live, its social aspects and why things are in the way they are. Secondary data comprised of published research, internet material and academic research has been used. Critical study In the book Addie Accident, a girl named Addie is mentally sick because no matter how hard Addie tries, mishaps just seem to happen to her. She is Bullied at school when one of the boys says, you clumsy dumbo! (09). When she receives such remarks, tears of anger burn in her heart and she begins to hate those big bullies. Later on she gets entangled her head between the railings of her school and then injures. Upon this, instead of helping her to get out of her head between the railings, her teacher Miss Forrest arrives and says, Common sense flies out the window when one is dealing with Addie Harris. She has to be the most accident-prone child Ive ever known. (11) after this when her dad comes back to his house, his face wears a look of apprehension and resignation. After a while, he says, the jinx has hit again. Our little Addie was born under an ill wind. (12) Her mother always encourages her with this notion that one day Addie will get rid of all these things and she does not scold her. She hugs Addie and says, Dont look so glum, love. Its not the end of the world. Why dont you write me a story? I love your stories. Theyre so imaginative. (12) Anyone thinks that she does things on purpose. She gets the blame for everything and it is not fair. Addies sister, Candice also hates her because she always creates chaos which is not her fault but due to her mental disability. It is said about her sister, everything embarrassed Candice, especially anything her younger sister did. (13) Candice and including everyone becomes to hate her, she scares people and kids steer clear, either of their own accord or because their parents order them to. Candice says to Addie, youre a magnet for accidents (17). Addie has her own special friends that no one else knows about. Friends she can pluck out of her head. Friends who love to play with her. Using her imagination is the only other thing apart from walking on her hands that Addie is good at. It is a place where shadows fall where they shouldnt where ripples move leaves when there is no breeze and where whisper fills empty spaces. It is the door to imagination land, where her imaginary friends live. As Shirley says in the book, This was her place! This was where imagination land existed. There were no adults, no teachers, no teasing kids or bullies like Georgina and Leah to pick on her. This was her very own world, complete with her very own sovereign. Enchantress Chu. (21) Addies friends are always keen to follow her in the adventurous schemes she makes. They never betray, never blame, never laugh, scoff or scold. And most special of all is that imagination land is a place where accidents are unheard of. Her imagination land makes her feel scummy. Her Miss Forrest says to her, There were two sides to a brain. There was the logical side and the dream side. You used the logical side for normal everyday use, but when you wrote stories you swapped over to the dream side because thats where your imagination lived. Addie used the dream side of her brain lots more than she used the logical side (23). Addies imagination is the source for producing ideas. No ideas and then there will be no imaginary friends. And without them, life is super lonely. But what she actually needs is a friend like herself, an accident-prone friend. One who will sympathize her and that sort of friend who will never desert her. Although it is much harder to imagine someone like herself. Then one day she encounters such friend in real life whose name is Hubert the hapless. Addie asks him, Whats hapless mean? And he says: Means unfortunate. Everything I touch turns bad. Im hopeless at everything. Everyones scared of me. Everyone hates me. Im forever in trouble. Always in the wrong place at the wrong time. (41) It is as he has described her but Addie does not believe this and questions Hubert whether he is really exist or he is mere her imagination. Upon this, Hubert says, Im Hubert the hapless. Your soul mate and Im like you. (41) Then both Addie and Hubert become friends. He informs her that soon they will get rid of their ill-luck by doing special kind of charms and Hubert says, We work together at curing ourselves. (50) In this way both prove therapeutic partners for each other. Hubert helps Addie in building her confidence so that she may live her life as she expected to live. Then Addie says to Hubert when they both finish their charm, I finally did something right. Everyone says Im brave (212). And then Hubert states, Things are different now. Ià ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦that is weà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦can make decisions for ourselves. We dont need to blame everyone else for the trouble we get into. Weve learned to be responsible for our own actions. (213) later on both talk each other for a while and then Hubert begins to leave by saying, Now I can live in your imagination land forever (226). And then he disappears. As a result of all this, Addie gains her self-confidence and becomes a confident girl. And now her psychic disorder has been cured. Conclusion The nitty and gritty of the whole discussion is that society can and ought to do all conceivable to take out building hindrances in the method for handicapped individuals. There is a great deal that should be possible to change this, including better instruction; guaranteeing there are more open doors for impaired individuals and individuals why should handicapped have constructive connections; and empowering more constructive depictions of inability and incapacitated individuals in the media. End of provocation of incapacitated individuals is additionally a fundamental stride that is identified with their handicap. Old generalizations and mistaken assumptions of handicap should be supplanted by new social developments. Everybody must advance inspirational states of mind towards debilitated individuals. As this research paper has shown, most of the issues connected with mental inabilities are socially built and in that capacity are the honest to goodness topic of this order. The certainty remains that the personal satisfaction experienced by the larger part of impeded individuals in current society is impressively lower than that delighted in by their capable counterparts. Along these lines, expanding individual contact with individuals with handicaps by supporting them to get to instruction, livelihood and social exercises on an equivalent balance with other people may end up being the most critical and evenhanded of intercessions. This will be done through inspecting instruction and vocation strategies and handling the obstructions that counteract individuals with incapacities getting to fitting training and job opportunities and taking part in social life.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Comparing Themes in Frosts Two Tramps in Mud Time :: comparison compare contrast essays
Diverging Themes in Frost's Two Tramps in Mud Time On the surface, Two Tramps in Mud Time seems to display Robert Frost's narrow individualism. The poem, upon first reading it, seems incongruent, with some of the stanzas having no apparent connection to the whole poem. The poem as a whole also does not appear to have a single definable theme. At one point, the narrator seems wholly narcissistic, and then turns to the power and beauty of nature. It is, however, in the final third of the poem where the narrator reveals his true thoughts to the reader, bringing resolution to the poem as a single entity, not merely a disharmonious collection of words. At the outset of the poem, the narrator gives a very superficial view of himself, almost seeming angered when one of the tramps interferes with his wood chopping: "one of them put me off my aim". This statement, along with many others, seems to focus on "me" or "my", indicating the apparrent selfishness and arrogance of the narrator: "The blows that a life of self-control/Spares to strike for the common good/That day, giving a loose to my soul,/I spent on the unimportant wood." The narrator refers to releasing his suppressed anger not upon evils that threaten "the common good", but upon the "unimportant wood". The appparent arrogance of the narrator is revealed as well by his reference to himself as a Herculean figure standing not alongside nature, but over it: "The grip on earth of outspread feet,/The life of muscles rocking soft/And smooth and moist in vernal heat." Unexpectedly, the narrator then turns toward nature, apparently abandoning his initial train of thought. He reveals the unpredictability of nature, saying that even in the middle of spring, it can be "two months back in the middle of March." Even the fauna of the land is involved with this chicanery; the arrival of the bluebird would to most indicate the arrival of spring, yet "he wouldn't advise a thing to blossom." The narrator points to the conclusion that, while on the surface, things appear to be one thing, there is always something hidden below, much like "The lurking frost in the earth beneath..." In the final three stanzas of the poem, the "frost" within the narrator comes to the surface. The humility of the narrator comes to light, with the narrator saying that the tramps' right to chop wood for a living "was the better right--agreed.
Monday, November 11, 2019
6 Tips to Customize Your Hr Dashboard
6 Tips to Customize Your HR Dashboard by Jeremy Shapiro Six Tips to Customize Your HR Dashboard What should your recruiting dashboard look like? To begin, it must be able to suit your organizationââ¬â¢ s many unique requirements and priorities. Creating the ideal dashboard is not easy, but it helps when designing it to visualize a carââ¬â¢s dashboard. A carââ¬â¢s dashboard tells you when there is danger, or when you should accelerate. In essence, great dashboards are visual representations of data used to make important decisions.Below are 6 tips to help your metrics team customize the best recruiting dashboard for your organization. 1 Set specific goals. Each metric in a dashboard should have a target or target range by which to measure it. Creating a clear visual of where the organization is versus where the managementââ¬â¢s target is will make evaluating progress much easier. You may want to set these targets by compiling management interviews and human resources prior ities.This information can then be used to set the measurement goal against the organizationââ¬â¢ s desired performance. Ideally, the measurement goal will help you determine a hard dollar amount of savings or revenue increase (for example, decreasing turnover by 10 percent results in a 5 million dollar annual savings). It can also aid in tying back a stated executive priority (for example, we promote a culture of promoting from within). 2 Model your measures. Say you have already determined your executiveââ¬â¢s priorities.You now need to model what the metric will look like. How do you identify the data you will need or the best practices appropriate for this measure? Model your metric using dummy data in a spreadsheet first. Then validate your decisions by shopping the metric around for feedback. 3 Build your metrics. This is the actual work of creating the metric using real data. If you have an ad hoc tool, this could be user-accessible; if not, you may need to enlist a tec hnical resource to build your reports.In the latter instance, modeling the metrics (see Tip 2) becomes critical to your success as your report developer will need to understand exactly what the report is supposed to do. 4 Build your dashboard. Think of your dashboard as a collection of well-focused reports on one page. After creating your reports, think about how to best represent them on a single page using graphs and other design techniques. 5 Care for your data. The information you need may be housed in several different places.Someone needs to care for this data; this includes ensuring users of the technology supporting you (HRIS, ATS, TMS, etc. ) complete the information you need. This also includes surveys. A little data maintenance now will save you hours of data repair later. 6 Validate your results. Without validation, your organization could easily misrepresent your data. Check your assumptions with peers, managers in different departments, and even with Finance. ââ¬âà ¢â¬âââ¬â Jeremy Shapiro is the Vice President of E-Recruiting Solutions at Bernard Hodes Group.Over the past 11 years, Jeremy has coached hundreds of companies through challenging recruiting technology implementations across industries and sizes. Jeremy is a frequent speaker and author on current/emerging recruiting technology topics, most recently contributing to the HR metrics book ââ¬Å"Ultimate Performanceâ⬠(Wiley, 2006). Jeremy holds an M. S. in Information Systems from NYUââ¬â¢s Stern School of Business and a B. A. in Economics from Rutgers University. He is an advisor to the industry metrics consortium HRMetrics. org.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Impact of Culture on Health Essay
* What do we mean by culture? à * Culture is one of those concepts that most people seem to intuitively grasp, yet cannot define clearly. * The process of categorizing groups of people as others (other than oneââ¬â¢s own group) is a common feature of the way human beings think, and it forms a part of the whole phenomenon we think of as culture. * There other uses of the term culture that can confuse the situation ââ¬â for example, saying someone is more cultured than the other, referring to some concept of high/elite culture, expressed through personal manners, education and knowledge, involvement in or familiarity with artistic activities such as opera, modern art, calligraphy, dance or theater ââ¬â that is contrasted to pop culture. * Definitions they share the basic components, existing as a kind of whole and links many kinds of aspects of life and social structure within a group or society; it refers to the relationship between what people know and believe and what t hey do; it is acquired and shared, more or less, among members of the group or society and transmitted to members of the group/society over time. * The Classic Definition: Cultures is said to be that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society (E.B Taylor, 1871) * The Symbolic Definition: Human culture is a kind of symbolic text, in which behavior, objects, and belief interact together in a kind of ongoing dramatic production that represents issues and concepts of meaning fr a particular society * Members act as characters in this grand drama and what goes on (plot) only makes sense in reference to an underlying interpretive framework. * Culture as an Ideology: Equate the concept of culture to a kind of dominant ideology or to beliefs, social institutions, practices, and media representation associated with particular configurations of power. * Discourse at any point is linked with a configuration of power and the rules for interpreting what is or is not a valid statement. * Culture Materialist Definitions. Viewing culture primarily as a system of belief, practice, and technology directly tied to economic activity or to the adaptation of a people to a particular physical environment. * Linguistic Definition: thinking of a culture as a type of language. Speakers of the language may use differently, to create slang, irony, humor, or even poetry OR they make break the rules to create a particular effect. BUT it is still the same language and underneath the language is some shared base of understanding about the nature of existence and day-to-day life. * Mental or Cognitive Definitions: Construct of culture as something primarily in the mind of people within a particular group, a kind of shared conceptual framework that organizes thought and behavior. From this perspective, culture is not so much about what people do, but abo ut what they think and how that determines what they do. * Culture and Biocultural: Think of culture in relation to the human condition is to understand humans as biocultural. It is something that is imposed on the biological world by a society or group of people who have, over many years, developed a system of beliefs and practices. * How can we define the people who share a particular culture? * Is it a political definition? (most cases no) Is it a geographic boundary? A social boundary? Is it religion? * Culture is not fixed but evolves as people from one society or group come into contact with other people or as they change over time, their culture changes. * What do we mean by health? * Free of disease ââ¬â absence of pathogens and healthy immune system * Body functions normally ââ¬â organs, nervous and other systems function as they should * Free of injury and other problems * Eats healthy foods ââ¬â food that provides essential nutrients and is free of substances that cause damage to bodily functions. * Engage in healthy, preventive behavior ââ¬â basic hygiene, immunizations, sees a doctor * Avoids risky behavior * To be in reasonable physical shape. * To be in a stable mental state to be happy, satisfied with life, get along with people * General well being * In some parts of the world, criteria defined by other cultures can interfere with biomedical standards. * To obese can be a sign of wealth or in the case of females, fertility, maternal capability and warm personality. * Rites that often involve what we might call ââ¬Å"health risksâ⬠yet they are understood to be good and absolutely necessary to proceed to the next life stage. * To understand diverse concepts of health and healthy behavior, it is necessary to think of health in a broader way, beyond biomedical. * Health is often very close to ideas within that culture about being well. Chapter 3: Ethnomedicine I: Cultural Health Systems of Related Knowledge and Practice. * An ethnomedical system can be defined as: an applied cultural knowledge system related to health that sets out the kinds of health problems that can exist, their causes and (based on their causes) appropriate treatments ââ¬â as an interrelated system of belief and nature. * It is of key importance when thinking about the cultural aspect of ethnomedical system is that across cultures there are different answers to all of these questions, from the range of potential health problems, to causes, to treatments, as well as the closely related question of what kinds of individuals are qualified to provide treatment * Human beings are biocultural some theorists have found it useful to make a distinction between disease (abnormal biomedical state caused by pathogens or physical anomalies) and an illness (a culturally defined state of not being well, with many culturally defined causes including biomedical). * Disease and illness may or may not refer to the same phenomenon. * Functionally, both systems have the same kinds of elements and in both cases there is a linkage between the elements. The differences have to do with the specific content, and the means by which cause is determined (with respect to cause ââ¬â in the biomedical case, that includes both research and clinical diagnosis.) * Where the biomedical system categorizes unwell states based on physical symptoms linked to biological causes, the nonbiomedical system may have its classification on combinations of emotional and physical manifestations links to the spiritual causes, disruption in harmony, imbalance in a personââ¬â¢s lifestyle or an improper mix of substances and forces. * Personalistic system ââ¬â disease is due to the ââ¬Å"active, purposeful intervention of an agentâ⬠where the ill person is the object of action by a sorcerer, spirit or supernatural force. * The general pattern of treatment is to block/counter the spiritual agent with spiritual forces in support of the patient. The center of action (in terms of cause or treatment) is not necessarily within the patient, but in the supernatural world. * Naturalistic system ââ¬â disease is explained by the impersonal actions of systems based on old historical systems of great civilizations. Illness arise when people are out of balance physically, spiritually, or in some other way. * The pattern of treatment is to restore balance through various combinations of herbal medicinal, meditation, diet, lifestyle changes, or other actions. * A very important principle to remember is that a given social or cultural group will rarely operate in reference to a single ethnomedical system. The norm for most people is multiple and coexisting ethnomedical systems of some blending of elements from various types of systems. One system may be dominant, but aspects of other systems are also likely to be included. * The Placebo Effect and Role of Belief ââ¬â placebo effect the tendency for treatments and pills to have no biochemical or biomedical effect to cause improvement in patient health symptoms. This occurs because of the belief that the treatment or pill has curative properties or because of the ritual process of going to a doctor itself. * Ethnomedical Systems: Non-Western Examples * Ayurvedic Medicine (India) * Originates with ancient Vedic culture in India and focues on prevention and a holistic concept of health accomplished through the maitenence of balance in many areas of life, including thought, diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs. * Body is comprised of 3 primary energy types called dosha each represents characteristics derived from the 5 elements of space, air, fire, water and earth. * Vata subtle energy associated with movement * Pittaconnected to the bodyââ¬â¢s metabolic system * Kapha associated with body structure * Cambodian/Khmer Health Belief Systems * The traditional system shares some aspects in common with Chinese and other Asian systems in the emphasis on balance. Illness may be attributed to imbalance in natural forces. This is often symbolized or expressed as the influence of wind or kchall on blood circulation illness * South African Health Belief Systems * Among the Shona and other peoples, one aspect of a naturalistic system is understood to be related to the presence of a nyoka or snake in the body. Movement of the nyoka is related to many diseases, including diarrhea, stomach ailments, sexually transmitted infections, epilepsy, mental retardation and others. * Health Belief Systems in Latin America and the Carribbean * Espiritismo common in Cuba and Puerto Rice, synthesis of Afro-Caribbean, French, and possibly U.S. spiritualist. The belief system is that there is both a supreme being and a world of spirits with influence on health that can be accessed through a medium, typically in a group sà ©ance-like setting. * Santeria also found in Cuba and Puerto Rico, blend of West African and Catholic traditions. It is based on the idea that there are many spirits called ââ¬Å"orishasâ⬠who are connected to the supreme being and who can be appealed to help in various dimensions of life. * Curanderismo founded in many parts of central/latin America; a healer or curandero makes a diagnosis using tarot-type cards or by sweeping a broken egg or other object across the body of the patient. The idea is that there is a supremem/higher power that is the source of energy, and the curandero is the instrument of that higher power. * Western Example ââ¬â the biomedical system is primarily based on a classification system tied to biological phenomena ââ¬â the action of pathogens (viruses, bacteria), cellular or other biomechanical malfunctions, injuries/system damage, and others. Treatment is, of course, directly connected to generalists or specialists trained to address specific kinds of biomedical phenomena. Chapter 4: Ethnomedicine II: Cultural Systems of Psychology and Mental/Emotional Health The Cultural Construction of Mental/Emotional Illness * Anything defined as an abnormal mental/emotional state is also likely to involve a cultural judgement and therefore may say a lot about cultural values and beliefs as a whole at particular moments in history * Ex. drapetomania ââ¬â the disease causing negros to run away. It was thought to be a curable disease of the mind, involving sulkiness and dissatisfaction prior to running away, that could be brought on when white slave owners trated slaves too much like human beings, or on the other hand when they were overly cruel and brutal. * Ex. dysaethesia aethiopica ââ¬â characterized by a state of half-sleep and a physical or nervous insensibility that caused them to behave like ââ¬Å"rascalsâ⬠* DSM ââ¬â reference book for mental conditions that are viewed in Western/biomedicine as abnormal, with detailed descriptions of the etiology, symptoms and treatment for each condition. While it is based on scientific/clinical research, the symptoms and descriptions for many c onditions offer a fascinating glimpse of the way in which such conditions can be shaped by cultural expectations and changes in such expectations. * Ex. Antisocial Personality Disorder the symptoms seem to outline a kind of personality that could be viewed as troublesome if not criminal but the picture changes when context and culture are added. * Ex. ADHD according to the DSM IV, this disorder is characterized by two sets of symptoms ââ¬â inattention and hyperactivity impulsivity. This is a condition that can cause difficulties and impairs appropriate functioning. But there is room for interpretation. Some elements of hyperactivity and are subjective and depend on culturally related standards for appropriate behavior. The Question of Universal vs. Culture-Specific * Do all humans beings experience the same mental health phenomena or emotional phenomena? * The universalist position would argue that human beings have essentially the same psychological makeup ââ¬â a position often referred to as ââ¬Å"psychic unityâ⬠* The cultural relativist perspective cultures entail unique patterns of thought and behavior. * Combination of both perspectives cultures shape how emotions and mental experiences are constructed, named, and given meaning, and the living patters of specific cultures tend to accentuate particular stressors that may result in mental health issues. * There do appear to be some mental health conditions that occur in some form across cultures, and so could be seen as universal conditions (ex. depression). * Mental conditions that appear unique to one or a few cultural groups can be thought of in 2 ways * culture bound syndromes defined as any form of disturbed behavior that is specific to a certain cultural system and does not conform to western classification of diseases * Many of these patterns are considered to be ââ¬Å"illnessesâ⬠and have local names. * Problems with culture-bound syndromes: no suggested steps for how a provider should incorporate cultural factors into the diagnosis or learn what those factors are; overlap between some conditions across cultures; the process of selecting the culture bound system is unclear * Conditions that are prompted by specific patterns of social stress and/or ecological contexts * Ex. In the Saora tribe in India there is a peculiar condition among young men and women who cry and laugh at inappropriate times, experience memory loss and feel like they are being bitten by ants. These young people are considered misfits and are not interested inpursuing the traditional subsistence of farming life. For this, they are under considerable stress due to social pressure from relatives and friends. To solve this problem, a marriage ceremony is carried out in which the disturbed person is married to the spirit. Young person becomes a shaman. * Anorexia/Bulimia in the United States * Fear of weight gain and distorted view of oneââ¬â¢s body. This causes people to restrict their eating or binge eat/purge. One of the key contributing factors is the combination of weigh gain during puberty set against perceived social pressure to conform to culturally specific ideals of beauty * Historical Trauma * American Indian/Alaska Native populations have long experienced a range of disparities in health. These peoples suffer from a collective, psychological scar resulting from the experience of violence, culture loss, land loss, discrimination and eventual marginalization that resulted from European colonialism and conquest in the Americas. * Immigrant/Refugee Mental Health Syndromes * Many immigrants and refugee populations coming to the United States and other host countries from civil disasters and other traumatic situations experiences psychological consequences in addition to the stress of acculturation itself. * Emotions and Culture * Lutz and the Ifaluk found that emotions are culturally constructed. Emotions are a daily working phenomenon. Chapter 5: The Moral Dimension: The Relationship of Etiology to Morality in Cultural Beliefs and Practices Related to Health * Cross Cultural etiologies of illness can range from those that seem neutral, like pathogens or genetics, to those that donââ¬â¢t like sorcery or family disharmony * In other words, there appear to be some causes for which no judgment can be made or blame assigned, and some that can be blamed on somebody or something, whether the person who is ill, or another person, or another social institution or group. Culture, as reflected in ethnomedical systems, involves socially produced definitions of what is normal vs. not normal. * When a person experiences some abnormal phenomenon (illness) it could be thought of as: * Abnormal but morally ok not your fault * Abnormal but not morally ok your fault or somebodyââ¬â¢s fault. Can result from stigma. * The moral connection to illness is very much related to several kinds of factors: * Cultural conceptions of the individual and the degree to which individuals are viewed as responsible for their condition and their behavior * Most western societies are typically viewed as individual-centric * The degree to which external forces are viewed as responsible for their condition and their behavior * In many cultures, what you do and what happens to you may not originate with you but with other forces. These forces could be attributed to one or more gods, to broader natural forces, to specific spirits, or to sorcery ad witchcraft. The moral source, so to speak, may in part be related to individuals but indirectly. * The kinds of social divisions that exist in a particular society and what those social divisions are held to mean ââ¬â social class/social stratification, gender, race/ethnicity, religion and other divisions. * Refers to a moral source that is society itself the way in which society creates conditions that make some peole more vulnerable to disease than others or that forces some people into choices (with health consequences) that others do not have to make. * Physical Symbolism of the Disease * If the appearance of the disease looks like the embodiment of a culturally defined malevolence of some kind, people may react to it regardless of whether or not the victim is initially held to be at fault. Alternatively, the appearance of the disease may be seem like evidence that the person must be at fault or is some way selected for punshement, triggereing a kind of after-the-fact blame. * All of these can lead to the stigmatization of people with a particular illness or disease. * Stigma: the discrediting, social rejection or staining of types of people who are viewed as blameworthy in one way or another. It is the social construction of spoiled identity for classes of people viewed as undesirable by some social standard. The exclusion and abuse caused by stigma may even be sanctioned by law. * Illness Behavior * Two kinds of sick roles: à * A set of roles for people who are ill * A set of roles for the other people who interact with the sick person, whether as a healer or family member or even a classmate. * Illness behavior is produced or socially constructed within the framework of a culture. It involves an entire production, in which many players act out their roles and in doing so, work together to produce a result that comes out as the way of a particular illness takes form, and the consequences of that, in a given society. An important result of this and other culturally shaped interactions is to reproduce the culture.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Caligula1 essays
Caligula1 essays As most of the emperors of ancient Rome were given different names then the names they had at birth Caligula was no different. Caligula's real name was Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus and he was born at Antium, 25 miles from Rome, in 12 AD Gaius was a turning point in the history of the Principate, but he also was the one emperor from the Julio-Claudian dynasty who was very poorly documented. (Bibliography # 2). Gaius was born on August 31, 12 AD to Germanicus; Augustus' adopted grandson, and Agrippina Senior, Augustus' granddaughter. Gaius was the third of six children, the youngest son, and accompanied his parents on many military campaigns. As a baby his parents would dress him up in a miniature soldier costume and show him to the armies on their campaigns. Gaius received his nickname Caligula from the half boots or sandals that went with the costume called caligilas. The armies affectionately called him "little boots" or Caligula. (Bibliography # 1,6). When Gaius as youth he developed an unhealthy relationship with his sisters Agrippina Jr, Drusilla and Julia Livilla. Gaius's two brothers and his mother were killed after they were accused of plotting against Tiberius. Gaius's father, Germanicus, died under what is recorded as "suspicious circumstances" on October 10, 19 AD After which, while Tiberius reigned, he was sent to live first with his great grandmother, Livia and then, when Livia died, with his grandmother, Antonia. (Bibliography # 2,4-6). In 31 AD Gaius was summoned to join Tiberius at his villa on Capri. Gaius stayed there with Tiberius until he became emperor, in 37 AD, after Tiberius' death. (Bibliography # 2,5). Before Gaius became emperor the only political related job Gaius held was an honorary quaestorship in 33 AD. After Tiberius' death on March 6, 37 AD Gaius was in the perfect position to assume the emperor's throne, despite Tiberius' will that named his Gaius and his cousin Tiberius Gemellus joint hei...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Management - Essay Example This dimension of the so-called ââ¬Å"classicalâ⬠, or ââ¬Å"technical-rationalâ⬠, definition of management has remained relatively unchanged since the 1970s, when authors like David Knights, John Roberts, and Studs Terkel wrote about the working world and the conduct of managers within it. A technical-rational concept of a manager helps us, from an academic standpoint, comprehend the function and role of a manager within an organization. However, for a more in-depth understanding of what it means to manage people within the context of a work setting, one must actually go beyond simply learning the definitions and the principles to applying them in the real world. The application of oneââ¬â¢s knowledge to a more realistic concept of management is an essential process to leads to a clearer picture of what is going on within the 21st century work environment. First, the classical definition of management includes a ââ¬Å"planningâ⬠role, which refers to the predeter mining a course of action for accomplishing organizational objectives (Watson, T. 2006). Planning is an activity that top-level managers perform to a larger degree than first-level managers; however, the need for planning, even at the most basic levels of an organization, is palpable, especially when crises arise that could have been prevented with low- or first-level planning. In addition, the planning role requires decision-making; that is, until a decision has been made or a plan has been set in place, the planning role of the manager is unfulfilled. Planning requires action above all. Second, the classical definition of management contains an ââ¬Å"organizingâ⬠element, which means managers are in charge of arranging the relationships among work units for accomplishment of objectives and the granting of responsibility and authority to objective those objectives (Watson, T. 2006). An important consideration with respect to this organizing role is that a manager must not und erstand his power to be ââ¬Å"power over peopleâ⬠; rather, one must understand that power to be ââ¬Å"power between peopleâ⬠(Knights, D. & Roberts, J. 1982). By recognizing oneââ¬â¢s dependence on staff, a manager can avoid the use of coercive force over others and an organization can reach its full potential. Similarly, the point of organizing is to utilize all of the resources available within an organization toward achieving a final goal. Thus, part of organizing the elements and relationships between them in an organization are an intentional, goal-directed process. Once every person knows his or her function within the whole and understands that role to be intentionally crafted, the manager has succeeded in filling the organizing role of management (Watson, T. 2006). Thirdly, successful managers fill a ââ¬Å"leadingâ⬠role. A ââ¬Å"leadingâ⬠role is creating an atmosphere that will assist and motivate people to achieve desired end results (Watson, T. 2006). Overall, this function relies heavily on an understanding of psychology and a mastering of the performance-environment. Top-level managers, who primarily focus on controlling and organizing, do very little leading; however, first-level supervisors, who lead on a daily basis in the presence of others, rely very heavily on this role. By taking a proactive approach to satisfy the motivations and desires of individuals, managers can avoid the most common source of organizational problems: peopleââ¬â¢s desires, attitudes, and behaviours. So long as a manager can inspire individuals to follow him, using
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Marketing strategy of adidas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Marketing strategy of adidas - Essay Example Adidas is guided by the three principles which were laid down by the founder, Adi Dassler ââ¬â to aim for the production of the best possible foot wear to serve the requirement of sports, to aim for the protection of the athlete from any possible injury and produce a durable product (Step back in time, n.d.). They company operates out of Europe, Asia, Latin America and North America through a network comprising of more than 170 subsidiaries. The organisation is headquartered at Herzogenaurach, Germany, employing over 31,344 people worldwide (Adidas AG - Financial and Strategic Analysis Review, 2009). The journey for the company began in 1920, when Adi Dassler, with the aid of two shoemakers, produced homemade leather training shoes. A major milestone was achieved, resulting in superb promotion for the company, in 1932, when Arthur Jonath, a German athlete, won a bronze medal in the 1932 Olympics using shoes produced by the company. The company was on its upward spiral and soon the revenues of the company crossed 400,000 Reich mark in 1935. Sportsperson from 120nations used Adidas products in the Seoul Olympics in 1988. The company has seen many highs and undergone major structural changes in the way it has approached the market place. It has been quick to realize that marketing and customer orientation have become vital on the part of a modern company. The company has changed its entire outlook ââ¬â which resulted in the creation of the three divisions - adidas Sport Performance, adidas Sport Heritage and adidas Sport Style from the existing Footwear and Clothing/Accessories . The company also decided to give its customers to option of customising the products they wanted to buy according to their own specifications ââ¬â a business model which is now replicated all over the market space. The company went ahead with its aggressive marketing campaign and adopted a new tagline in 2003 -
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